
The Student Motivation Starter Kit

The Student Motivation Starter Kit


In this Pay What You Want product, I basically give you everything I've learned about student motivation and the noncognitive factors of which it is a part. Once you pre-purchase (for whatever price you'd like), you get unlimited access to the following on October 28, 2016:

Getting Started and Bonus Stuff

  • Getting Started: An exclusive video in which I "curate" the pieces within the Starter Kit
  • Bonus #1: Recorded Q&As with Dave from early purchasers of the Starter Kit
  • Bonus #2: A link to the Facebook group for customers who are interested in sharing their questions and learning journey with one another

I. Foundations

  • Long-Term Flourishing: Our One Enduring Standard and its Two Components
  • Predicting Success: Dialing Long-Term Flourishing Back into Things We Might Affect This Year
  • The Consortium Framework in 400 Words
  • Video: My Rough Draft Overview of the Consortium Framework
  • The Four Academic Mindsets: How 25 Words Decimated the 1000s I've Written on Student Motivation
  • Making Mindsets Matter: Two Approaches to the Challenging Journey from Head to Heart
  • Triple Responsibility: Its Problems and Imperatives

II. Contexts that Motivate

There are two approaches to effecting student motivation and the beliefs that underlie it: contexts and interventions. First, let's look at contexts.

  • The Physical Classroom Environment: Why Your Classroom Need Not Be Pretty
  • A Simple Tweak for Making Genuine Connections with Students, Thereby Building Belonging

  • Belonging to What? "Overachievers" and the Tyranny of Low Expectations

  • How to Do Hard Things
  • The Pedagogical Benefits of Doing Hard Things
  • Teacher Credibility: If You Build It, They Will Learn (Here’s How)
  • Character Strengths, Integrity, and My Three-Year-Old
  • Learning is ______________: Here’s Why How You Complete that Sentence Matters

III. Interventions that Motivate

Now, let's look at interventions.

  • A Simple Tweak on the First Day of School Index Card Activity that Teaches Purpose
  • A Simple Activity for Building Self-Regulation in Students

  • Self-Control is About Goal-Attainment: Here’s How to Help Students Develop It

  • A Simple "Expectancy-Value" Activity for Helping Students Care About Your Coursework
  • A Set of Simple Activities for Building Public Speaking Comfort in Students

IV. What Gets In the Way: The Bogeymen of Student Motivation

It's helpful to look at the problem from a negative angle — not, "How can I build student motivation?" but instead, "How can I combat student demotivation?"

  • The Growing Dragon of Student Anxiety & Swords for Fighting It
  • Anti-Teacher Credibility: 10 Great Ways to Become Unbelievable (in a Bad Way)
  • Stopping the Snowball: Catching Struggling Learners Early On
  • A Simple Activity for Teaching About Procrastination

V. Historical -- Pieces from my Journey Researching Noncognitive Factors

While my thinking around student motivation and noncognitive factors has changed over time, I still find these historical pieces of that journey helpful.

  • Video: How Character Lab's list of Character Strengths Lines Up with the Consortium Framework
  • Video: How David Conley’s Four Keys Line Up with the Consortium Framework
  • Helping Students Understand Motivation: The Character Strengths Angle
  • 21 Ideas for Developing the Motivational Character Strengths
  • Gotta Want It, Gotta Do It: The Motivational and Executional Hurdles to Student Success
  • Lessons Learned from my Character Lab Teacher Innovation Grant Research Project
  • Unicorns and Growth Mindset

Wait... why are you selling this for as little as a dollar?

I know, right? It's a lot — over 30 things in the Starter Kit, and I don't think I'll be done adding until the product publishes on 10/28. Here are some reasons I'm doing this:

  • I always feel good when I sell something of high quality for a price named by the customer
  • I benefit when I look back on what I've written and made, and I want to give readers an easy way to gain that same benefit
  • In four years of blogging, I've written over 350,000 words on my website, and that is a lot to comb through. This is my best stuff on noncognitive factors, all in one place, all prettied up. Plus some bonus stuff too, like the FB group and the videos

What if...

...I'm not satisfied?

Just shoot me an email: dave_at_teachingthecore.com. I'll refund you!

...my life is drastically improved, and, in retrospect, I decide I want to give you more money for this starter kit?

C'mon now — there's no "What if" here!


If you feel like you should've given more, just "purchase" the product again, this time giving me whatever you feel you should have given.

...I want to buy this for my whole team / department / school?

Go ahead! Just pay me what you think is fair.

I trust my readers — and whether you pay $1 or $10 or $20, I feel so overly compensated for the work I get to do on my blog. Thank you for making that work possible!

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